Hydrogeophysics in drilling observatory (FORAGE) : Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME) From Observatoire de Recherche Montpelliérain de l'Environnement Data from the 'Hydrogeophysics in drilling observatory' (FORAGE): In-situ study of subsurface dynamics using multi-parameter and multi-method drilling observations: imaging and temporal monitoring of geophysical, hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical parameters.. This observatory is part of the… Metadata quality: Metadata quality: Data description filled Files documentation missing License filled Update frequency followed File formats are open Temporal coverage not set Spatial coverage not set Some files are unavailable Learn more about this indicator Metadata quality: 55.55555555555556/100 Updated hace 2 días Licence Ouverte / Open Licence 0 reuses 0 favorites
Hydrogeophysical data from the National Landslide Observatory (SNO OMIV) (OMIV) : Observation Service of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME) From Observatoire de Recherche Montpelliérain de l'Environnement Data from the 'Hydrogeophysical data from the National Landslide Observatory (SNO OMIV) ' (OMIV): Time series of electrical resistivity data recorded on landslides. This observatory is part of the Montpellier Research Observatory of Environment (OSU OREME, oreme.org). It is labelized in the… Metadata quality: Metadata quality: Data description filled Files documentation missing License filled Update frequency followed File formats are open Temporal coverage not set Spatial coverage not set Some files are unavailable Learn more about this indicator Metadata quality: 55.55555555555556/100 Updated hace 4 días Licence Ouverte / Open Licence 0 reuses 0 favorites