Open Prices


Open Prices

What is Open Prices?

Open Prices is a project to collect and share prices of products around the world.
It's a publicly available dataset that can be used for research, analysis, and more. Open Prices is developed and maintained by Open Food Facts.

There are currently few companies that own large databases of product prices at the barcode level.
These prices are not freely available, but sold at a high price to private actors, researchers and other organizations that can afford them.

Open Prices aims to democratize access to price data by collecting and sharing product prices under an open licence. The data is available under the Open Database License (ODbL), which means that it can be used for any purpose, as long as you credit Open Prices and share any modifications you make to the dataset. Images submitted as proof are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.

Dataset description

This dataset contains in Parquet format all price information contained in the Open Prices database. The dataset is updated daily.

Here is a description of the most important columns:

  • id: The ID of the price in DB
  • product_code: The barcode of the product, null if the product is a "raw" product (fruit, vegetable, etc.)
  • category_tag: The category of the product, only present for "raw" products. We follow Open Food Facts category taxonomy for category IDs.
  • labels_tags: The labels of the product, only present for "raw" products. We follow Open Food Facts label taxonomy for label IDs.
  • origins_tags: The origins of the product, only present for "raw" products. We follow Open Food Facts origin taxonomy for origin IDs.
  • price: The price of the product, with the discount if any.
  • price_is_discounted: Whether the price is discounted or not.
  • price_without_discount: The price of the product without discount, null if the price is not discounted.
  • price_per: The unit for which the price is given (e.g. "KILOGRAM", "UNIT")
  • currency: The currency of the price
  • location_osm_id: The OpenStreetMap ID of the location where the price was recorded. We use OpenStreetMap to identify uniquely the store where the price was recorded.
  • location_osm_type: The type of the OpenStreetMap location (e.g. "NODE", "WAY")
  • location_id: The ID of the location in the Open Prices database
  • date: The date when the price was recorded
  • proof_id: The ID of the proof of the price in the Open Prices DB
  • owner: a hash of the owner of the price, for privacy.
  • created: The date when the price was created in the Open Prices DB
  • updated: The date when the price was last updated in the Open Prices DB
  • proof_file_path: The path to the proof file in the Open Prices DB
  • proof_type: The type of the proof. Possible values are RECEIPT, PRICE_TAG, GDPR_REQUEST, SHOP_IMPORT
  • proof_date: The date of the proof
  • proof_currency: The currency of the proof, should be the same as the price currency
  • proof_created: The datetime when the proof was created in the Open Prices DB
  • proof_updated: The datetime when the proof was last updated in the Open Prices DB
  • location_osm_display_name: The display name of the OpenStreetMap location
  • location_osm_address_city: The city of the OpenStreetMap location
  • location_osm_address_postcode: The postcode of the OpenStreetMap location

How can I download images?

All images can be accessed under the base URL. You just have to concatenate the proof_file_path column to this base URL to get the full URL of the image (ex:

Can I contribute to Open Prices?

Of course! You can contribute by adding prices, trough the Open Prices website or through Open Food Facts mobile app.

To participate in the technical development, you can check the Open Prices GitHub repository.


Dernière mise à jour

18 janvier 2025


Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL)

Qualité des métadonnées

Documentation des fichiers manquante


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27 novembre 2024



Couverture temporelle

01/11/2023 à 27/11/2024

Dernière mise à jour

18 janvier 2025

Couverture spatiale

Couverture territoriale


Granularité de la couverture territoriale

Point d'Intérêt


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60 en janv. 2025



9 en janv. 2025

Réutilisations de ce jeu de données

